Justin Pate returns to WrapFest 2024 with The Wrap Institute
This year we are bringing a great team! In the pitlane, I will be joined again by Dimas Brasil, one of the best wrap installers and instructors in the world. We will be offering 6 demos per day which will cover a wide range of topics including tools like Triple S, upsells, colour change, PPF, the latest techniques like Zero Stretch and the Wrap Matrix and much more.
The Wrap Institute Demo Schedule for Day 1
A - TWI 8-step cleaning protocol + Measuring Tips (save 4 meters per wrap)
B - Don’t Be Afraid of The Inlay: When and Where to use Inlays and Overlays
C - Wrapping in 3D: Going from Triangles to Pyramids
D - Zero stretch: How to wrap with 70% less energy output
E - Cutting Like a Samurai: 10 ways to Cut like a Wrap Institute Pro
F - TWI Quick Tips: Thinking Outside the Box for Those Big/Little Problem Areas
The Wrap Institute Demo Schedule for Day 2
A - Take it off or leave it on? The Art and Logic of Wrapping Around Hardware
B - 80% profit margin installs: PPF headlights and mirrors, stripes, chrome delete
C - Triple S: The Swiss army knife of wrap solutions
D - Goose it! How To Make The Film Wrap The Car For You
E - 3D Bumpers using Pyramids and Zero Stretch
F - Mirror, mirror on the car, what is the best way to wrap them all?
What I love about these demos is it offers an opportunity for the audience to see all the action! More importantly, it's a chance for them to ask questions and receive answers straight away. For us at The Wrap Institute, England is our second biggest audience, so it means a lot to us to be able to interact with our members in person. Questions and input are what fuels our "Never Stop Learning" attitude here at The Wrap Institute.
In addition, we will have special discounts available for new members who visit our stand at WrapFest. This discount is only available for visitors at the show and everyone who uses it will receive a high five from Dimas and myself!
Upstairs, we will once again be hosting our Wrap Warrior Cutting Contest. This event is free for anyone to enter and open to all wrappers of all levels. We will feature our TWI Bing Bing Plate and balloon challenge. My wife (Beertje) and daughter (Tigerlily) will organise the contest this year, as they are excellent at explaining the rules and making it enjoyable for all involved – just how it should be! Additionally, there will be special daily prizes awarded for the fastest times, so keep an eye out for that announcement before WrapFest begins.
I will also be giving 2 presentations on the Wrap Talks stage, one each day of the event. During recent years, I have delivered several speeches around the world, I m very excited that due to my experience I can share valuable information and tips. Below are the topics that will be featured in my upcoming 2 presentations. Here are the topics that I will cover during my 2 demonstrations:
Presentation #1: How To Run Your Wrap Shop Like Your Favourite Restaurant (and to never worry about cheap prices again!)
Running a wrap shop and competing with other shops can be quite challenging due to various factors such as pricing and managing different aspects of the business. In this presentation, I will demonstrate how successful restaurants can serve as a model for creating a thriving wrap shop that stands out from the competition. I will provide valuable insights and advice on areas including production, communication, design, installation, tools, and core values.
Presentation #2: The Ford Wrap Program - How To Scale
The Ford Wrap Program with XIX3D has hired The Wrap Institute to be the official training partner. This program is for new and existing Ford customers. It provides them the option to purchase a wrap for their Ford vehicle from the comfort and ease of any device. What makes this program truly unique is that all wraps are completed at wrap shops rather than dealerships. This marks a significant victory for the wrap industry on multiple levels. In this presentation, I will further elaborate on the details of the program and how The Wrap Institute's core system guarantees top-quality and durable wraps.
This completed my overview of what The Wrap Institute will be doing at WrapFest 2024. It’s a huge honour to partner with FESPA on this special event. We hope you can take part in our contest, see all the demos and sit in on the presentations in the Wrap Talks area. See you in October!